lest your life be dull

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

the list of things kendra shererer is great at...

some just for free info...tori and kendra shererer are sisters. and really there's just two -er's on the end of their name...and apparently it's pronounced shera...weezyana is interesting like that. (smile if you know who weez is.) ps, kendra is weighing in at our youngest participant so far.
anyway, the list...
1. Procrastinating (i had to be given a deadline for the list)
2. skipping class (editors note: if i were writing this list, i would call that: being a skip whore...b/c she doesn't even have to be talked into it...just fyi).
3. living above my means (what can i say i like to shop)
4. changing my hair from straight to curly
5. reading
6. wearing scarfs
7. lying
8. taking long baths
9. getting driving violations (tickets, etc.)
10. being a drama queen
11. putting my foot in my mouth (not literally)
12. photography
13. finding new music
14. buying purses
15. organizing
16. sarcasism at inappropriate moments (goes with number 11)
17. singing in the shower
18. sleeping
19. drinking b-quik icees
20. talking a lot

20 things I suck at:
1. being funny
2. akward moments
3. spelling (how the crap do you spell akward)
4. having a definite opinion
5. college
6. waking up early
7. technology
8. science
9. being tan
10. viscious rhetoric
11. knowing the date
12. talking in front of large groups of people who are over the age of 10
13. expressing my feelings in words
14. wearing clean jeans (dirty ones just feel better)
15. being on time
16. remembering things
17. playing sports
18. having patience
19. driving
20. being low maintenance

Monday, April 25, 2005

memoirs from a melodramatic childhood...

i don't know how it was at your house, but the transition from bath to shower was a big deal for the richmond family. it was a graduation of sorts...a sign that you were growing older and could be given more responsibility. one night, soon after my graduation to showers (six or seven years old), my mother could tell as she tucked me into bed that i had something on my mind. i was quite perplexed, but upon questioning, i informed her that i wanted to tell her but "it was too awful and you'd get too mad." my mother assured me that she would not get too many and that nothing was too awful to tell her, however, i did not budge. each night for several nights in a row this melodramatic scene went down of a seven year old worrying herself sick with grief and shame and tragedy, and her mother, being used to the over dramatic nature of her daughter, not thinking too terribly much of it.
finally, i cracked. i couldn't take it anymore. i had to confess to my mother what awful thing had occurred. i said, "mom..." she said, "yes..." i said, "the other day in the shower (...long...dramatic...pause...) I THINK I'M PREGNANT!" of course my mother was momentarily worried, and i'm sure scanning through a list of possible interpretations of this word or what might have occurred. upon further questioning, and several repeated "why do you think that, allison?" i reluctantly gave up the information "the other day in the shower, i stuck my finger in my belly button." and my mother said, "well...don't ever do that again!" she did not say, "oh you're not pregnant" nor did she even say "that's not how you get pregnant." she just said that i better not do that again.
you can imagine my surprise several years later during sex ed. class when come to find out, your belly button is not apart of one's reproductive system.

Friday, April 22, 2005

the list of things lindsey phillips is great at...

this is my old roommate from murray k-y and quite possibly one of the funniest products of marshall county kentucky...
1. doing my special trick.
2. cleaning up after other people…but not after myself.
3. shower, make-up, hair…15 minutes.
4. sleeping in a car for twelve hours straight without peeing or waking up.
5. having a small chest and loving it.
6. remembering people’s faces and names after only one encounter.
7. forgetting people’s names that I don’t like.
8. not washing my hair for four days and using baby powder to not look skanky.
9. fixing computers and other electronics.
10. eating like a man.
11. requiring three magazine articles to achieve a substantial bm.
12. playing hard to get.
13. playing “make me laugh” and winning with my special trick.
14. cheating at games and being competitive.
15. getting parking/speeding tickets.
16. impersonating goat boy.
17. peeing in my pants at any given moment. (editors note: remember that time i made you laugh so hard you peed your bed?)
18. staying up all night (on the internet).
19. being a closet dirtbag. (editors note: not anymore, dirtbag.)
20. relating every situation in life to a Seinfeld episode.
21. remembering my life in vivid detail.
22. being forgetful.
23. driving with my knees while putting makeup on and eating.

the list of things jessica june reed is great at...

an old suitemate from murray and all around fun gal...
1. singing old gospel hymns with the gathers.
2. being the only fan of the gathers not collecting social security.
3. feeling just as comfortable in clothes as without them.
4. making out. (mutually exclusive with item number 3).
5. judging character.
6. having dimples.
7. painting my nails every day.
8. having nicely sculpted eye brows.
9. making people wonder if I paid for these or not.
10. flirting on accident.
11. taking self portraits with friends and it turning out well.
12. text messaging.
13. being the number one murray state fan of all time til i die. Go Racers.
14. smelling good, including my self, my car, and my home. it’s a priority.
15. collecting squirrels.
16. telling corny jokes.
17. driving 60 down miller street straight into the driveway.
18. making a western Kentucky accent sound sexy.
19. having soft feet.
20. being nice and meaning it.
21. snorting when I laugh.
22. keeping my pants on for 23 years.
23. shaving every day.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

the list of things santa lucia peñaloza cornejo is great at...

santa gets the award for the list that has traveled the furthest to get to my blog. all the way from la madrid, mexico...and originally written in spanish...
here it goes...
1. speaking spanish.
2. commanding the attention of 50 screaming kids with a single soft spoken word.
3. picking perfect avocados.
4. leading song times regardless of the age group.
5. never running out of energy.
6. living out of a suitcase but always looking quite nice.
7. cooking mexican food.
8. talking a lot on the phone.
9. driving, driving, driving back and forth all over the slow roads of mexico.
10. travelling 24 hours to visit my friends in Lousiana.
11. shopping.
12. interior decorating.
13. changing babies diapers (10 nephews and 7 nieces).
14. eating. mmmm. (editors note: i think 14 following 13 was an ironic choice).
15. cleaning my room. i can't study if my room isn't clean.
16. not remembering the birthdays of my family members.
17. typing on the computer.
18. making lemon ice cream cake.
19. to believe a lie of a very good actor (even knowing that he is actor) (editors note: pretty sure the more accurate translation of this is "being gullable." i mean, give me a break, she sent me the list in spanish).
20. to scare to me with movies of fear like the HOOP (hahahaha the Ring) (editorial: pretty sure this means "getting scared by scary movies like the ring," but the fact that it translates to "the hoop" is pretty funny).
21. math, i love it.
22. drawing, but only when i have a desire.
23. choosing the best perfume aromas and fragrances.

Monday, April 18, 2005

the list of things ashley mcknatt is great at...

(editorial note...it's true that the list of things people are great at craze has even reached as far north as memphis, as my friend mcknatt (from my time in murray k-y) has just submitted her list. and without further adue...)

here is my list of things i am great at...(though that's not grammatically correct)...in no particular order....drumroll, please....

1. spelling (shelby county spelling bee finalist - grade 5)
2. writing papers at the last minute (murray state circa 1999 - 2002)
3. reading books / articles really quickly and retaining the information...helps with numero dos
4. crossword puzzles (so the first four are nerdy...)
5. trivia games
6. saturday night live skit re-enactment
7. remembering names / faces years after initial meetings
8. driving and putting on makeup
9. accessorizing - jewelry, bags, shoes, etc.
10. quoting movies, songs, books, etc. in everyday conversation (appropriate or not)
11. making up fun (or not so fun for them) nicknames for friends / enemies / co-workers
12. overdramatizing and stretching out 5 minute stories to at least 30 minutes+
13. being a daughter / sister / cousin / aunt / fiance - i always try to put family first
14. looking like i'm busy or sounding busy when i'm not ;)
15. being a model dental patient - no cavity club for me, baby!
16. knowing when to work and when to play
17. making PB&J's - there is a perfect ratio that should be reached
18. being one of the only non-white trash people living in the state of Mississippi
19. complaining / whining to get my way and / or get out of doing something
20. making up fake spanish words, but convincing people that they are real
21. getting a tan in two 20-minute tanning bed visits
22. buying gifts for other people, for birthdays or for fun
23. being a good mommy to GiGi Marie...the French half-breed puppy-o-mine
24. being a mcknatt - will that change when i am a pennington in june?
so the last two are maybe not important to anyone but me, but that's okay, right?

additional editorial comments...apparently tori and mcknatt could be friends and be the only non-blue haired ladies doing crosswords.

the quote board...

1. in reference to the fall of adam and eve story..."don't you think it's cool how God knew they had sinned and he knew they were naked, still, he went back into the garden and looked for them. he don't even care if you got your pants on, he just wants to play with you."
2. my mom informed me that my brother and sister are nominated for some grand award for the city. each nominated independently and it won't generate sibling rivalry, don't worry, they can both win. IRregardless, i asked her when they'll find out if they get it, because i figure they'll be warned ahead of time in order to request the presence of their cool big sister. to which my mom replied, "i guess they'll find out when they announce it." now i'm not certain that warrants quote board recognition..but i laughed. --k8 mayfield
3. the next two quotes from a professor i have at seminary. both were during his reading of revised standard version of the Bible. "take your grain and take your plow, take your ass and get to work." only topped by same guy, different day, "...saddle up your ass..." not stuff you expect to hear from your seminary prof, and not from the Bible either. and of course, me and my comrad were the only two heathens in the class who giggled like 5th graders. may God bless the donkeys that make class entertaining.
4. "COWS DON'T HAVE TESTICLES." --kate's dad, yelled over dinner at a relatively nice eating establishment. i was there. it was awesome.
5. "everybody else at this dang school has like one midterm...and it's probably a take home. i mean, nobody else has 4 ridiculously hard ones like us. i could go throw that guy's notebook in the fountain and all he'd lose is the words to stinking 'Jesus loves me.'" spoken by one of the girls in my department at grad school when we were all blowing off midterm steam.

fun idea...

when i was in college in good old murray state, the most fun and coolest girls had two things that made them more fun and cool... 1. the hoes and hotties board, which consisted of magazine cut-outs of famous girls that you hated b/c they lived the life that should be yours, OR, hoes such as britney in one of her many skanky outfits, along with male hotties that we just wanted to look at regularly. 2. the quote board. the quote board was up for anybody who wished to write on it either something they heard or something they said that was particularly funny, witty, or dumb. so along with the public forum that is now implemented for "the list of things i'm great at", i would also like to start a quote board. to post on the quote board, you may just use the comment feature on the blog, or email me and i will keep updating the list. i haven't been on the look out for really great/awful things coming out of people's mouths lately, so my first post on the new quote board will be my fave quote from my last quote board. anyway, let me know if you think this is a fun idea or not.

Friday, April 15, 2005

the list of things kate mayfield is great at...

1. buying tennis shoes
2. growing strong fingernails really fast
3. dressing all along the style continuum (e.g. skater on sunday, polo model monday, careless t-shirt and jeans girl tuesday, etc.)
4. having the soul of a TRU African-American sista
5. reading/writing
6. vocabulary/ making up words
7. having a ganked up toenail for years
8. talking trash
9. thinking i can beat up anyone at any time
10. writing with ONLY pilot precise v5 rolling ball pens
11. not wearing make-up
12. invisiboarding
13. dancin'
14. impersonating Missy Eliot and remaining in character
15. text messaging
16. implementing tea time into my daily schedule and having really good tasting tea
17. shakespeare
18. thinking sacreligous songs are good for a worship demo such as "from a distance" and "what if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us"
19. having teachers call me out for being bored in class every day
20. watching scary movies without qualms or aftershock
21. writing excellent papers late at night
editors comments: this is an excellent list and no commentary is necessary. well done, my good and faithful servant.

the list of things brad bowling is great at...

In no specific order...
(editorial comment: please be advised: first on the list of things brad is not great at: punctuation.)
1. Driving contrary to popular belief I am one of the best drivers ever of any vehicle keep in mind that best does not always mean safest I am very good at adjusting to unknown variables and finding the shortest and quickest path
2. Volley ball (nuff said)
3. Procrastinating at just about anything school and life alike
4. Dressing you all know this and “can not deny it” in the words of fabulous (a rapper)
5. Basketball (specifically shooting and being tall(and handsome))
6. Organizing small social events ( I only need but a few hours to do so and somewhat sufficient funds (see bullet three))
7. Pretending to be one of three characters: black, redneck, or gay (I have experience in one which gives an unfair advantage (to be read sarcastically) hahaha not gay)
8. Using faces or brief phrases to make people feel like what they have just done or said would deem them a few bricks shy of a load, a few cards short of a deck, not the sharpest tool in the shed, not the brightest star in the sky, no light in the attic, a dog that wont hunt, a chromosome short of 23.(none of these are phrases I would use also not that this is something I am good at but use only for evil)
9. Orating reading aloud
10. Arguing. The cause must be one I believe
11. Stirring up trouble and keeping it going. For example in a line to ride a ride in magical Disney world I instigated an argument b/t my brother and sister oblivious to them. Then as the argument had settled I turned around and looked at the parties involved and said as a general statement Kristina is always causing trouble which caused both my mother and brother to jump on her instantly while I stood at a safe distance. I turned to Jarrod and said you see how I did that to which he responded good job I laughed a little inside.
12. Figuring out how to do something while I am taking the test on it.
13. Video games in general but most specifically Halo
14. Eating a very substantial amount of food is likely to be consumed by me at any given time
15. Not becoming stressed in “the worst of times”(Dickens, 1837) I credit most of this to God not letting me get in too deep
16. Using my voice
17. Doing it. though I have no actual knowledge of my skill at this particular act I like to think that I would be very very good
18. hearing a particular word in a conversation and then completely disregarding the rest of the conversation and in my head following that word down some path that leads me to chuckle a little bit out loud or making some completely random comment in the conversation way later than what would be socially acceptable.
19. Making a sandwich (this requires the proper ingredients)
20. Golf (this comes and goes and by good a mean I shoot around par on good days)
21. Tossing my hair back out of my face (may be thought of as gay but wait till you see me do it its like watching a white stallion run through a meadow)
22. Tooting my own horn (bragging on my self not any other things you people you may think of)

additional editorial comments:
i find it suprising that bowling is not on his list.
and, brad gets the puppet master award. evidently we are all unknowing pawns in his game.

the list of things tori shererer is great at...

1. being assertive, in all areas except those pertaining to boys
2. scrabble
3. speedreading
4. painting my toenails
5. saying something completely ridiculous with a straight face
6. crossword puzzles
7. walking in heels
8. shopping
9. arguing
10. writing papers
11. accessorizing
12. being friends with gay people
13. sticking it to "the man"
14. taking naps
15. upholding the constitution and laws of the united states of america
16. picking good smelling candles
17. standardized testes
18. arranging the pillows on my bed
19. cooking
20. being a pianist
21. speeding but not getting tickets (editor's note: is this not in direct contradiction to item #15?)
22. the sleeperhold
23. painting (but really only flowers)
24. hanging straight pictures without a level
25. procrastinating

Things I'm terrible at...
roller skating
showing extreme emotions
raising one eyebrow

instructions for making your list...

it's recently come to my attention that apparently other people are great at things, too...
just kidding, i know that everyone is great at a lot of things! yeah!!!
so now i will be posting up other people's lists of things they're great at b/c A: it's funny, B: the fun thing about community is that you can call on other people who are great at things you are not great at and they will help you, so it's always good to know what other people are great at, C: there is no point C, but i always have a special place in my heart for the letter C. D: if anyone cares to see the list of things i'm great at, you must click on my february archives (which isn't a bad idea anyway, b/c it contains the best story every), b/c it was my very first blog entry ever. *tear for sentimenal value. E: E is for easy. the easiest thing to do if you want me to post your list is to email it to me: arich81@gmail.com F: you may have no more and no less items of things you're great at as number of years old you are. ie: i'm 23, so my list has 23 things i'm great at. G: if you're reading these lists, play the game and please post a comment. i don't live in br and i never get to hear what people are saying about these quite humerous lists, and i feel left out. so please post, b/c it makes it way more fun for me. H: go cards!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Me with my brother, my sister-in-law, and my first nephew, landon (ETA: 05/05/05) in NOLA Posted by Hello