lest your life be dull

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the brink of normality

well, i would like everyone (which i think so far actually consists of no one, from what i can tell. so i would like me...) to know that since my last posting, i have come into some socks. my roomie bought me some new socks which has secured her spot as best roommate ever. the roommate who formally used to hold this title is still a close second though. (those aopi's aren't so slutty and vindictive after all...huh.) this may seem like an odd gesture to some, but it was a true gift of the heart and made me happy.
also, we've officially secured a two bedroom which will be ours around the first of the year. there's a fire place and i'm super pumped about that. it will be a fun new era in my life and i think i will officially transition from qualifying my baton rouge residency ("well i'm living in baton rouge now, but i was living in new orleans") to just "i live in baton rouge." which is a fun step for me. so things are still on the steady path to normalcy.
it still amazes me how much comfort there is in new orleans people "carrying their cross" and how bonding it is to talk to somebody else from new orleans who has shared in this crazy experience. if it were anything else, i'd definitely write it off as melodrama, but the size and scope of this disaster, combined with the fact that there's still no clear cut clean up plan, and things "getting back to normal" is never going to happen, but even "livable" is still pretty far off means that it's not melodrama, but just that there's no other even by which to scale what's going on emotionally for people. i'm just super thankful that the Lord has provided such an amazing group of friends to support me and help keep me emotionally healthy. which is yet another reason why living in baton rouge is best case scenario right now.
i definitely think that romans 8:28 has always been the linchpin of my life, and this season is no exception.


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