lest your life be dull

Friday, February 11, 2005

websites i like

well i am quite new to blogging, about 12 hours into it, and so i'm sure there's a cooler way to do this, where i could just post links down the right side of my blog, where it should say cool things about me but i'm non-commital and don't want to alienate anybody b/c what kind of music you like says too much about your personality and i can't decide who to put down...
but alas, here are some note worthy websites i love!
okay really only one... www.journeyon.net
it's the website of my church in STL and i love it so much! on the website you will find clearly written and argued theology and stuff if you're interested in that kind of stuff, as well as my fave part, fun pics across the top. i like clicking the refresh button to see all the dif. pics!
oh wait there's more...www.stlcardinals.com i heart the boys of summer! they report to spring training february 22! who's excited?
and i'm sure i'll think of more later.
and sure enough i did...
shout outs to my ladies at www.p31ministries.com
and my new home away from home...www.thering268.com
and the best summer job ever...www.hfbc.org and www.globalencounter.org
links are fun!


does anybody else just love abbreviations like me?
here are a few of my faves:
byh...bless your heart (*could also be bhh, bless his/her heart, or any variation therein)
ptl...praise the lord (best if said with a ghetto inflexion)
bdt...best damn tapper (name that movie and you get a prize)
apt...apartment ("alright, i'll see you at the APT")
mia...missing in action ("i don't know where she's at, she's been MIA all day.")
fyi...for your informatoin
ooc...out of control
btw...by the way
aka...also known as ("yeah, that place is kinda off, aka, sketch.")
and i know it's semi-cliche, but BRB makes me laugh on the inside to say it in normal conversation.
i'm not really into doing more than one in a sentence. like, i'd never say, "fyi, that outfit is ooc, btw."
who can think of more? and i'm not talking lame AOL shizzle, such as LOL, TTYL, or whatever, good ones.
here are more abbreviations from my long time witty sidekick, mcknatt,
TDF - as in, to die for, very fun when used in face-to-face convos
OCD - a crowd favorite for our obsessive compulsive disorder friends
OTT - over the top
OTR - if you don't know, i'm not explaining
and from megan r. kelly, PST - pimp so tight. i think she made that one up, but i thought it was pretty "fetch" so i think it deserves to be tacked on...
any more keeds?

back before the days when i was easy on the eyes...

back before the days when i was easy on the eyes...
one day after school when i was a freshman at glenwood high school, after frantically running from my seventh hour french class, dropping stuff off at my locker, and dashing over to the band room to pick up my saxophone...yes, i was a band nerd...running all the while as to not miss my ride home from school, my ankle gave out.
now we must pause the story here to tell you what i was wearing, b/c it makes the story better. first, you need to know that even though the description i am about to give you is not a cool one, i was still cool. i was on student council and vp of my class and things like that. and, yes, my school had more than 20 people in it. more like 1200. thanks. although, i'm really not sure how i got elected, or why all the older kids thought i was cool and wanted to hang out with me, but i was, and they did, even though what i am about to tell you will lead you to believe i was not at all cool.
i was not always the hotrod which you now know and love. my hair was parted down the middle (known to those in the know as a butt-crack part), long and stringy, and fairly plastered to my head, the only make-up i wore was base, so i basically was a beige blob with no features. i didn't even wear lip gloss. i had a t-shirt on that said: (i'm not making this up, i promise) "who's a sinner? your signature here: _________." and plaid faded glory shorts with some hideous eastland penny loafers with pennies actually in them. one in each shoe. one from 1981, the year i was born, the other from 1991, the year i became a christian. this is too good to be making up, i'm not making this up. so i was very not cool and very awkward yet i had somehow convinced people to think i was fun.
so i had just slammed the door to my locker, took off with my overly full backpack about twenty yards down the hall, (walking leading with my head down, i'm sure, as all cool and graceful kids do), intending to hang a left and go down two steps, and into the band room which was about five yards after that. instead, when i turned, my ankle gave out, and i had to do a deep lunge down the two steps as to not fall on my face and crush my skull with my overly full backpack. well, during my deep lunge, i grasped for anything i could get ahold of in order to steady myself. i grabbed onto something, and quickly, i pulled on it again to get myself up out of this awkward position i found myself in. upon bearing down on it even harder, i heard a wince. when i looked up to see what i had grabbed hold of for balance, it was none other than...brian bancroft's penis. and i'm talking he's in soccer shorts on his way to practice, not jeans.
with big eyes and a gapping mouth, (brian bancroft had gapping eyes, too, but his had tears in them), i think i managed something that was meant to be "i'm sorry" and i dashed into the band room, and then ran outside, just in time to catch my ride home from school, bus number 27.
so that was my first sexual experience.
still think i'm cool?

the best/worst thing i've seen so far

the other day after eating with some friends, i waited about a half-hour...to allow for proper food digestion...and went to work out. i'll be honest, i was gettin it done on the eliptical machine, when all of a sudden, in walks the best/worst thing i've seen in seminary so far. he had music minister hair: big hair for a guy, kinda puffy curls, longer in back, near mullet, fruity looking. he's probably about 6 feet tall with just a hint of muscle definition. i wouldn't call him scrwany, but i wouldn't call him built.
at first he was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and SU-PER tight sweat pants which were too short and of course, had elastic at the bottom, with white old school reebox hightops. yes. and when i say super tight sweat pants, i mean, you could see definition...everywhere. he stripped down out of his sweat shirt into a super tight white v-neck undershirt which revealed his quite dark and thick austin powers-esque chest hair. vomit.
anyway, so then he proceeds to do all these intense stretches which really sent me over the edge b/c he never should have been doing things like that in these particular pants. i was having a hard time keeping it together on the eliptical and had to put my head down b/c i was laughing.after his strenuous stretches, he proceeds to start bench pressing the bar. yes. and then he goes and gets the free weights...the five pound free weights, only the noises he was making and his facial expressions would lead you to believe he had 100 lb free weights.
and then...the best part...he walks over to the speed punching bag, shakes his body loose, and faces his worst advesary. only he couldn't get a rythm down, and he had to keep dodging it because it would nearly hit him in the face. i was rolling. and then after he decided that he sucked at doing it that way, he was going to make up his own way, which included a half slap/half hit lame kip dynomite punch which really sent me over the top. it was awesome.
and that was by far the best thing i've seen at grad school so far! and now i see him all the time on campus with this duffle bag, and i secretly lose it to myself, because none of my friends are ever around when i run into him. typical!

the list of things i'm really great at

one evening when i was feeling particularly frisky, i got the idea that i should make this stuff called white chilli that my dad makes and i love a lot. what you must know is that i'm 23 years old but i've never ever in my whole life made anything from scratch, b/c my dad is such a superb chef that we were never allowed in the kitchen growing up, so i'm kitchen retarded. i mean, i was allowed in the kitchen, but only to fulfill my duties as "dump girl" which meant my dad would fill the measuring device up with the appropriate item and it was my duty to dump the ingredients into the bowl. that's it. that's all my cooking experiencce.
anyway, having recently moved to new orleans, which is 12 hours away from my folks in dear ole STL, holla, i figured if i'm going to be the picky eater that i am, i better start cooking mmy own meals rather than starve to death or complain about others' cooking. thus my reason for feeling adventurous and the need for me to cook for the first time ever.
long story short, (too late?), as you could probably imagine, it was G-REAT. i was really impressed myself. so i called my daddy and said, "it's true, i really am your daughter, i can cook. i guess i'll have to add something else on the list of things i'm really great at..." and he said, "yeah, and i guess being humble is right up there on top ten." (hurmor runs in the fam...).
so later that night, still on the high of my sucess and thus unable to fall asleep, i decided that it was time to make the official list of things i'm really great at... so without further adue, and in no particular order...
1. putting on eye make-up.
2. dressing myself.
3. cooking.
4. kissing boys.
5. dancing kinda slutty.
6. telling stories.
7. losing my train of thought.
did i tell you the story about how the other night, wait...what were we talking about?
i keed!
8. guessing a person's particular asian nationality (aka, playing "name that asian").
9. remembering how to get to places.
10. being an auditory learner.
11. washing and detailing my car. (really, that's two things).
12. helping friends script break-up conversations and other tough convos people don't want to have but must.
13. making sorority comments so as to reinforce peoples retarded stereotypes about sorority girls.
14. ordering the best tasting thing at any given restaurant.
15. raising one eye brow while keeping the other one perfectly still.
16. taking the eye exam at the optomitrist. 20/15 baby!
17. only remembering the things i do that are cool and forgeting when i do lame things.
18. making one word out of two. like man crush...mush. front bumper...frumper.
19. speaking in accents, particularly greek, asian, and the undisclosed european accent.
20. being a daddy's girl. yeah!
21. asking questions.
22. exaggerating. and living in -est world.
23. taking naps.
and i think i'll cut it off at 23, since that's how old i am, but let's face it, we all know i could go on.

perhaps the list of things i'm not good at would go something like...
1. making smooth exits.
2. being serious and quiet at furnerals, church, and in grad school classes.
3. speling.
4. playing it cool.

but i mean, who wants to make that list? not me. besides, such a list would be in direct opposition to the afore mentioned item, number 17.
well i'm pretty excited about my frist blog entry, and can already tell i am going to have to add something to the list!

go bobcats!