lest your life be dull

Friday, February 11, 2005

websites i like

well i am quite new to blogging, about 12 hours into it, and so i'm sure there's a cooler way to do this, where i could just post links down the right side of my blog, where it should say cool things about me but i'm non-commital and don't want to alienate anybody b/c what kind of music you like says too much about your personality and i can't decide who to put down...
but alas, here are some note worthy websites i love!
okay really only one... www.journeyon.net
it's the website of my church in STL and i love it so much! on the website you will find clearly written and argued theology and stuff if you're interested in that kind of stuff, as well as my fave part, fun pics across the top. i like clicking the refresh button to see all the dif. pics!
oh wait there's more...www.stlcardinals.com i heart the boys of summer! they report to spring training february 22! who's excited?
and i'm sure i'll think of more later.
and sure enough i did...
shout outs to my ladies at www.p31ministries.com
and my new home away from home...www.thering268.com
and the best summer job ever...www.hfbc.org and www.globalencounter.org
links are fun!


At 10:40 PM, Blogger [re]mix ministries said...

Hey girl, I give you some props, it is a pretty cool website. You really are a cool girl, and I like hangin with ya. Well, that is if you ever respond to my calls. Be good girl.



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