lest your life be dull

Friday, February 11, 2005


does anybody else just love abbreviations like me?
here are a few of my faves:
byh...bless your heart (*could also be bhh, bless his/her heart, or any variation therein)
ptl...praise the lord (best if said with a ghetto inflexion)
bdt...best damn tapper (name that movie and you get a prize)
apt...apartment ("alright, i'll see you at the APT")
mia...missing in action ("i don't know where she's at, she's been MIA all day.")
fyi...for your informatoin
ooc...out of control
btw...by the way
aka...also known as ("yeah, that place is kinda off, aka, sketch.")
and i know it's semi-cliche, but BRB makes me laugh on the inside to say it in normal conversation.
i'm not really into doing more than one in a sentence. like, i'd never say, "fyi, that outfit is ooc, btw."
who can think of more? and i'm not talking lame AOL shizzle, such as LOL, TTYL, or whatever, good ones.
here are more abbreviations from my long time witty sidekick, mcknatt,
TDF - as in, to die for, very fun when used in face-to-face convos
OCD - a crowd favorite for our obsessive compulsive disorder friends
OTT - over the top
OTR - if you don't know, i'm not explaining
and from megan r. kelly, PST - pimp so tight. i think she made that one up, but i thought it was pretty "fetch" so i think it deserves to be tacked on...
any more keeds?


At 12:35 PM, Blogger megan kelly said...

pst...pimp so tight "that shirt is pst fine" credit goes to blake booth and scott brignac and many other super fun guys in Baton Rouge


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