lest your life be dull

Friday, February 11, 2005

the best/worst thing i've seen so far

the other day after eating with some friends, i waited about a half-hour...to allow for proper food digestion...and went to work out. i'll be honest, i was gettin it done on the eliptical machine, when all of a sudden, in walks the best/worst thing i've seen in seminary so far. he had music minister hair: big hair for a guy, kinda puffy curls, longer in back, near mullet, fruity looking. he's probably about 6 feet tall with just a hint of muscle definition. i wouldn't call him scrwany, but i wouldn't call him built.
at first he was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and SU-PER tight sweat pants which were too short and of course, had elastic at the bottom, with white old school reebox hightops. yes. and when i say super tight sweat pants, i mean, you could see definition...everywhere. he stripped down out of his sweat shirt into a super tight white v-neck undershirt which revealed his quite dark and thick austin powers-esque chest hair. vomit.
anyway, so then he proceeds to do all these intense stretches which really sent me over the edge b/c he never should have been doing things like that in these particular pants. i was having a hard time keeping it together on the eliptical and had to put my head down b/c i was laughing.after his strenuous stretches, he proceeds to start bench pressing the bar. yes. and then he goes and gets the free weights...the five pound free weights, only the noises he was making and his facial expressions would lead you to believe he had 100 lb free weights.
and then...the best part...he walks over to the speed punching bag, shakes his body loose, and faces his worst advesary. only he couldn't get a rythm down, and he had to keep dodging it because it would nearly hit him in the face. i was rolling. and then after he decided that he sucked at doing it that way, he was going to make up his own way, which included a half slap/half hit lame kip dynomite punch which really sent me over the top. it was awesome.
and that was by far the best thing i've seen at grad school so far! and now i see him all the time on campus with this duffle bag, and i secretly lose it to myself, because none of my friends are ever around when i run into him. typical!


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